Does My Work Crush Like Me?

Working long hours day in and day out can take a toll on your social life. But it can also be a potential pool for that elusive relationship you have been looking for. The real question is, does your work crush like you or not?

Tags: Relationship, Work, Crush, Living, Couples

Here are all the results with descriptions

Does Not Like You
It is a tough pill to swallow. They might like you for you but they probably aren't your secret admirer. It could also just be a weird personality quirk on their side but the chances are good that they just don't like you. Time for ice cream!

Tolerates You
They don't necessarily dislike you but they aren't crushing back on you either or going out of their way to spend time with you. They might find you amusing (or maybe a little bit weird from all the staring you've been doing). You can probably keep working with them but the crush might need to go away.

Is Neutral
They work well with you and like to work with you but they don't try to spend extra time with you and definitely don't try to meet up after work. They are your co-worker. You can shoot for a friendship but anything more will probably not pan-out.

Is Chill
You two work well together, you get along and you have seen each other outside of work at the bar that one time and the grocery store last week. Things aren't awkward and they genuinely seem to like you or at least, to not dislike you. But they aren't crushing on you back and probably won't end up liking you in that way. At least, not right now they don't.

Likes You - Mostly
They really seem to like you and genuinely want to get to know you better outside of work. They are probably looking for friendship though with a hint of potential later down the road. Just try not to lurk suspiciously too much and scare them off.

Really Likes You
There is definitely some chemistry bubbling there and you just might be their work crush! Go brush up on your vocal skills to ask them out (Google can give you some tips) and remember not to panic. They like you for you. You got this!