What Does Your Desk Say About You?

You can tell a lot about a person by their karaoke song, their shoes, their favorite book- but what about their desk? Learn what your desk says about you.

Tags: Interior, Writer, Design

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are on your way to discovering something vital to your industry, the world, and your own personality. It's an exciting time and your desk reflects that with it's haphazard moments and plethora of resources.

You are adventurous! Chances are you have mementos from past travels or achievements in your desk area and you probably have a very cool desk. It might be a bi dusty for how little you use it but when you're there, great work is accomplished.

You are creative! Your desk probably looks idealistic and has loads of materials to inspire you and your creative work. Whether you're a designer, artist, or writer- your desk is there for you and your craft.

You are ambitious! You can bet that you have the most organized and efficient desk around. Everything has it's place including your butt which is almost always glued to your chair to achieve your success.

Not all work
Your desk probably has something other than work on it. Maybe it's the kids' report cards, a book you're reading, or even your jacket you never hung up. You work hard but maintain a work-life balance.

You are loving! You put a lot of care into your desk area and it shows. You probably have a lot of personal touches, clean spaces, and practical tools at your disposal. It's likely that photos of your loved ones are on your desk.