What Element Are You Influenced By?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You prefer to think deeply before acting and react calmly and slowly to problems. No matter where your ambitions take you, you've never forgotten your roots and where you've come from. Your vibes of peace and tranquility attract like-minded people.

You are quick-witted and clever. A very animated person, you like to surround yourself with friends whose energies you can play off of. You are quick to apply reason and logic to your feelings and expectations, so don't forget to sometimes be spontaneous and just feel.

You are a person of depth. Insightful, sensitive, and emotional, you make the perfect nurturer. Just don't forget to take care of yourself as well!

You are spontaneous and impulsive. You are quick to trust your gut, and your emotions are quick to respond to any situation. Your lively imagination and desire to always apply yourself wholeheartedly to any endeavor are your best qualities.