Who Is Your Hero?

Wondering who your hero really is? Maybe it's someone in your life, or someone from your past whom you no longer have ties with? It could even just be a celebrity figure!

Tags: Men, Women, Inspiration

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Family Member
You are tight knit with your family. You understand the power of trust within a family, and the unspoken blood bond between you. And for that, someone in your family is your hero. Someone you spend a lot of time with. Someone who's. . . taught you a lot, and been there for you through thick and thin, without judgment.

A Friend
You value your friends above all. You've seen the world together, made memories, and established a sincere bond over the years. But there's one friend in particular whom you outright consider your hero, above all. This friend sticks out because you have the most history, and you're the closest with them.

A Romantic Partner
That's right a romantic partner is your hero. It could be a current partner, or even an ex partner, assuming you ended things amicably and still talk as friends. Whatever the case, someone you're dating or dated in the past takes this crown.

A Public Figure
You don't consider anyone in your life a hero, per say, but you do admire someone in the public eye. Maybe an actor, or a singer. It could be a politician, or a local celebrity. Maybe an artist or a writer.