What Do Your Color Preferences Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Are A Passionate Person.
Your color preferences reveal that you are an extremely passionate person. You believe strongly in the people and ideas you support, and when you love, you love unconditionally, faithfully, and deeply.

You Are Cheerful & Optimistic.
Your color preferences reveal that you are cheerful and optimistic. Your outlook on life involves giving others the benefit of a doubt and always finding the silver lining in any cloudy situation. Your positive personality is a breath of fresh air among the pessimists and gloomy people of today's world!

You Are Quirky & Spunky.
Your color preferences reveal that you are quirky and spunky! You have a one-of-a-kind personality because you prefer to march to the beat of your own drum and do whatever makes YOU happy, instead of following the crowd. That's a great attitude on life, if you ask us!

You Are Warm & Comforting.
Your color preferences reveal that you are a very warm and comforting person. You hate conflict and anxiety, and you are only happy when your loved ones are happy. You are welcoming to all - friends and strangers alike!

You Have Big Goals For Yourself.
Your color preferences reveal that you have big goals for yourself! You may not even realize it, but you are more ambitious than you think. This year, it's time to dig deep (or even deeper!) and start making bigger strides to accomplishing them.