Cleopatra Quiz

What do you think you know about Cleopatra? Would you like to know more? Find out if you're an expert or learn more by taking this quiz. Correct answers will show!

Tags: History, Archaeology, Pyramids, Pharaoh

Here are all the results with descriptions

You might have heard of Cleopatra but you have very little to no knowledge of who she is or what she did. But, seeing the correct answers on this quiz is a great starting point for learning more about her!

Very little
You have a tiny bit of knowledge about the famous Cleopatra but there is so much more you could learn! You've seen the correct answers to the quiz so maybe that's inspired you to learn more about her. Do it - you won't be sorry!

About Cleopatra
You know about as much as the average person does about Cleopatra. Not bad. Now that you've seen the correct answers, you probably know more than the average person. Use it as a jumping off point to learn more!

A lot
You know so much about Cleopatra, or the Cleopatras, that you're almost an expert! But not quite. If you retook the quiz you'd probably get the highest result. Share your knowledge of Cleo with your friends and make the world a more educated and interesting place!

You know everything thing there is to know about Cleopatra (or the other Cleopatras). You are an expert! Maybe you should consider a career in Egyptology! Or, at least take a nice vacation to Cairo and Luxor.