Global Warming

Global warming is something that is talked about quite a bit in today's society, but many people don't even really understand it. Take this quiz and you can discover just how much you know about global warming.

Tags: Living, Future

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Global Warming
You have so little knowledge about global warming it's actually impressive. Since you live on this planet though you should probably look into it. Please do your research on the topic as it is vital to the planet's future!

Very Little About Global Warming
The amount of knowledge you have on the subject of global warming is a little bit sad. This is the only planet we have and you need to do more research on the health and future of it. Keep doing your research!

An Average Amount About Global Warming
You fall right in the middle of the knowledge scale about global warming. You aren't totally clueless but you also don't know probably as much as you should. You should totally do some more research on the topic.

A Lot About Global Warming
You've got a good amount of knowledge on this subject. You know more than just the basics and are aware of what global warming is and truly means for us as a society. Keep researching information and you'll be an expert in no time.

Everything About Global Warming
Your extensive knowledge on the subject of global warming proves how invested you are in the health of our planet. Continue to learn and spread your knowledge so that way we can start healing our planet!