How Sporty Are You?

Are you someone that loves getting your heart rate up playing, watching, or even coaching sports? Find out how sporty you are right now with this fun quiz!

Tags: Personality, Exercise, Active

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Sporty At All
We're questioning whether or not you've actually ever seen a sport in your life or not based on the way you've answered these quiz questions. There isn't anything about athletics of physical activity that you're familiar with, and you're not alone. There are plenty of others out there that have no interest in it either.

Not Very Sporty
You may have played a game of basketball in middle school or something, but that's about the extent of your sportiness based on the answers you gave us for this quiz. It can be a lot of fun if you get into it. Try it out sometime!

Kind Of Sporty
You're one of those people that watch the SuperBowl and national championship games of other sports just because it's what everyone else is doing. You could live through your whole life without ever watching, playing, or talking about sports and be completely happy. If you're happy, then there's nothing to worry about.

Pretty Sporty
It's apparent that you played a team sport at some point in your life. It could have been organized sports in school or maybe some recreational stuff with friends that piqued your interest. Whatever the case, you're a pretty sporty person, just not a super athlete or anything.

Very Sporty
When it comes to sports, you are super into whatever it is. You could watch the football game on Sunday and enjoy it, but you'd also like to get down and dirty playing it yourself. You're a very sporty person, and besides entertainment, it's excellent for your health! Good for you.

Completely Sporty
Sports surround your entire life. You wake up and crank on the television to see what the scores were of the previous night's game. After work, you head to the gym for a game of pick-up basketball. Sports are your life, and that's not likely to change. . . ever.