What Fragrance Am I?

Scent is one of the strongest senses and thank goodness with fragrances like fresh flowers, warm cookies, and the ocean breeze, scents are our friends.

Tags: Fragrance, Scent, Smell, Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are rosemary! You are a bit of homebody but that's okay because you love your life filled with good food, simple joys, and lots of love. You tend to make people feel happy and safe when they're in your presence.

You are lavender! You are soft and sweet and there is something about you that is lightly poetic. You have a gentle and calming nature. You tend to be a bit of a romantic. You're quiet but absolutely lovely.

You are cinnamon! You are incredibly sweet and super generous. You care greatly about others and making them comfortable. You have a knack for hospitality and tend to use your friendliness to benefit others.

Freshly Ground Coffee
You are freshly ground coffee! You are an absolute intellect and are a very thoughtful person. You have a curious streak as well as an ambitious one. You're likely to achieve great things in your life.

You are lemon! You and bright and clean. You have a sunny disposition even though you aren't always as optimistic as you seem. You are part happiness and part warrior in a unique combination of a person.

The Ocean
You are the ocean! You are carefree and value your freedom. You are an adventurer and a brave soul. You have many admirers in your life and very few choose to mess with you and your restless spirit.