Am I A Bad Person?

Although things are rarely black or white sometimes people are just plain old rotten. Take this quiz and find out whether you are a bad person or not.

Tags: Living, Bad, Person, Personality, Treatment

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are Not Bad At All
Not only are you not bad you are actually pretty good. You seem to be sweet and kind and don't have a bad bone in your body. People should aspire to be as good as you are in your everyday life. Keep being good!

Are Pretty Good
You are basically all good. You may have just a bit of a bad seed in you though. It's not something that is overpowering or often shown but it is in there way deep down. It's something that rears its head every once in a great while.

Have A Little Bit Of Bad In You
You are both good and bad, but you are definitely better than you are bad. You live your life as a good person, but you definitely know how to unleash your bad side. It's all about balance for you and as long as you're better than bad that's all that matters for you.

Have Got A Dark Side
You're a bit worse than you would probably like to admit. You can have a bit of an attitude and maybe don't make all the right decisions. However, you also have a solid good side to you. You are almost perfectly split down the middle.

Are Pretty Bad
Okay so you are pretty bad. You're not completely bad but you're definitely mostly bad. You make quite a few bad decisions in your life, but the important thing is that you like you and if you don't there's always time to improve!

Are Bad To The Bone
You are 100 percent bad. Like literally every bone in your body is bad. It's hard to imagine someone as bad as you exist. You are actually like a real-life super villain. It is unbelievable how not good you actually are.