Which Famous Person Would Voice Your Conscience According To Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Morgan Freeman
There's no one you want to speak for your conscience other than Morgan Freeman. You believe he has a wonderful speaking voice.

Christopher Walken
If you had a famous person speaking for your conscience, you'd want no one other than Christopher Walken. He has a unique voice that you would love to hear.

Liam Neeson
There's no other famous person that you would want more than Liam Neeson. He has a deep and gravely voice that you would love to hear constantly.

Kathleen Turner
You want to have more of a feminine voice as your conscience and you think she would be best for it. You'd love to hear her speak as your inner voice.

Christian Bale
If you had to have a famous person speak for your inner thoughts, you'd want no one other than Christian Bale. You'd have no issue with constantly hearing his voice.