How Am I Feeling?

Wondering how you're feeling? Maybe things have been pretty messy lately and you can't seem to make sense of your own emotions right now? It happens. We're here to help.

Tags: Mood, Feelings, Emotions, Mental-Health

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're pretty happy, all around. You have bare essentials for survival, you have a nice group of friends, you have family. . . and your job isn't too shabby. Things are looking up for you these days, so you're enjoying the ride.

Life is a little rough these days, having to balance so many different things. It's nothing that you can't handle, but it is taking a toll on your overall mental health, so maybe it's time to get more organized? Try carving out some time to unwind and do something you genuinely enjoy.

You're pretty depressed these days. You feel like you've lost something. It could be someone or something that meant a lot to you. . . Or it could be letting go of an idea, or goal you thought was possible for a long time. Either way, whatever the case, it's making you sad.

You feel betrayed, maybe. . . cheated out of something you deserved. Maybe you worked really hard on something, and now it's failed, so you're in that anger phase of what can only be described as. . . mourning. Whatever it is that's making you angry, it's enough to really get under your skin. Take care of it, or it'll consume you.