What Career Should I Do?

When we were kids, we probably thought at least once about what we wanted to be when we grew up. Now that question is rephrased to, what career do you want?

Tags: Career, Job, Work, Living, Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

If you like helping people or learning all about diseases, how the body works and how to use medicine to cure the common aliments of humanity, then the doctor field is perfect for you! Plus you will meet all kinds of people in this field which is always fun.

Being a scientist is exciting! You might discover new gene cells, the cure for cancer, a new species of fish or dinosaur. Or maybe you will find yourself deep in the jungle studying frogs or be up all night studying the stars. There is no end to the wonders of the science branch.

Learning all about psychology and how people think is amazing and gives you oodles of insight into how the human brain works and why people do the things they do. Plus, you will be a qualified person to actually help someone in need.

Or maybe artist, potter, poet, musician, singer or any of those other creative fields specialists. Either way, you will be working with your natural talent and making something beautiful that will enrich the world around you and probably make you pretty happy in the process.

IT Specialist
Technological devices consume our daily lives but somewhere someone has to know how to build, improve and fix these handy devices. If you enjoy the tech field and like writing programs or creating apps, then this is the career for you.

Knowing your rights and being argumentative is key to becoming a lawyer. You also need to know your stuff and talk the talk. But if the idea of arguing a challenging case and winning entices you, go look up how to become a lawyer and start your dream career today!