What Day Of The Week Knows You Best?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Sunday is the day of the week that knows you best. Sundays are for relaxing and enjoying your time off. Sunday has a couch and a remote control with your name on it!

Monday is the day of the week that knows you best. Mondays are for being productive and successful. Monday knows that you have work to do.

Wednesday is the day of the week that knows you best. Wednesdays are for pushing through the week because it is so close to over. Wednesday knows you are working hard and waiting patiently for the weekend.

Friday is the day of the week that knows you best. Fridays are for enjoying yourself as soon as you get out of work. Friday knows you have good times waiting for you.

Saturday is the day of the week that knows you best. Saturdays are for having fun and enjoying your time away from work. Saturday is ready to take you on an adventure.