Am I Nice Quiz

Have you ever wondered if you're a nice person? You may have been told that or maybe you've heard the exact opposite. We can tell you right now once and for all!

Tags: Nice, Friendly, Personality, Self, Caring

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Nice At All
There isn't one thing about you that says you are a nice person. You are actually the exact opposite. If there were an award for being the meanest person around, you would win it. You have some changes to make.

Not Very Nice
You might have a couple of traits about you that are nice, but not very many. You probably snap at people all the time and act like you know more than they do. It's not very nice at all to act that way. You need to work on your compassion!

Kind Of Nice
You are kind of nice, but you're far from the top of this list. With your answers it's clear to see that you have it in you to be nice, so you just need to work on how you react in different situations. Maybe take a 10-second breather before you say what's in your head.

An Average Amount Of Nice
When it comes to being nice, you land right in the middle. You're nice when you need to be, but if someone is making you upset, you have no problems with letting them know and giving it right back to them. If you're okay with average, then you're fine right where you're at.

Very Nice
You have a whole lot of traits about you that are really nice. You aren't at the top of the list, but you're just one step away from being as nice as they come. Just be a little bit more self-aware and we bet you can be one of the nicest people on the planet!

As Nice As They Come
There isn't anyone in the world as nice as you are! We can guess that people probably tell you all the time how nice you are. Sometimes it can backfire though if people see that and try to take advantage of your kindness. Just don't let that happen and you're going to be A-okay!