Which Food Do You Thrive On?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You thrive on candy. You love sweets like chocolate, sour candies, and bubble gum. You are a fun and energetic person who loves to munch on sugary foods.

You thrive on cheese. You like to eat all sorts of cheesy foods, like cheese burgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, and nachos. You should try more cheesy foods and different types of cheese that you haven't tasted yet.

You thrive on fruit. You love the sweet, citrus, and juicy fruits, and you can add fruit to all sorts of dishes to improve the flavor. You should try adding fruit to your breakfast, lunch, and supper recipes.

You thrive on meat. You love steak, burgers, fish, sausage, and chicken. You are a strong and healthy person who enjoys meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

You thrive on breads. You love fresh baked bread, biscuits, and sandwiches. You like meals that make you feel full and satisfied. Try adding a side of bread to your daily meals.