Here are all the results with descriptions
You are forever six years old at heart. You have a continuous sense of wonder and enthusiasm. You appreciate things as if they are still new to you, and you live for adventure.
You are forever 17 years old at heart. You are someone who is always learning, always growing, and never getting too old for self-discovery. You are a free spirit with ideas for the future.
You are forever 22 years old at heart. You are an independent person who tests your strength and endurance. You experiment with different ideas and challenge statistics.
You are forever 27 years old at heart. You are responsible and mature with a youthful vitality that rarely ebbs. You understand the balance between working hard and playing harder.
You are forever 34 years old at heart. You know who you are, and you are confident in your instincts and decisions. You know how to resolve conflicts, cooperate with others and enjoy life.