Which Card Game Are You?

Which card game best describes you?

Tags: Personality, Fun, Character-Trait, Fun, Entertainment, Game-Genre, Trend, Community, Hobby, Passion, Gaming

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are a team player who understands the importance of good communication and sometimes letting someone else take over. You know how to give commands as well as follow orders. You love working with other people and seeing what you can accomplish together.

You enjoy quiet, solitude, and peace. You like moments far away from the rest of the world. Being alone invigorates, rests, and restores you. You don't like big crowds or lots of noise. You are very content doing your own thing and being left alone.

You are a romantic and a dreamer who is never afraid to shoot for the moon! You chase the dreams that other people think are impossible and you always find your way home. You work hard, and dream hard, and fight to accomplish your goals.

You enjoy taking risks and living on the edge. You've always had a bit of a wild streak, and you love to be daring, bold, and unpredictable. You always want to do the unexpected and keep people guessing.

Go Fish
You like things quiet, friendly, and easygoing. You just want everyone to get along and take it easy. You seldom argue or fight. In games, you don't care who wins and who loses as long as everyone is having a fun time.

You love to laugh, have fun, and have a rollicking good time. You're a people person and you love to get out and have a blast. You're always up for another party and always up for another dance. You're lots of fun to be around and are always enjoying yourself.