How Much Of A 1970s Person Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

10% 1970s
Even though you might not know much about the 1970s, you've still got a bit of 70s spirit in you - you stand up for what you believe in like the anti-war youth of the decade, and you enjoy dancing under the disco ball now and again! You are 10% 1970s.

24% 1970s
You're pretty modern and new age, but you still like aspects of the 1970s - you enjoy 'Saturday Night Fever,' love classic video games like 'Pong' and 'Breakout,' and may even have danced under a disco ball in your lifetime! You are 24% 1970s.

57% 1970s
Though you always get nostalgic when you hear the music from 'Rocky,' and you love yourself a good Jackson 5 song, you've hung up your bell bottoms a long time ago. You are 57% 1970s!

78% 1970s
You still rock either sideburns or the classic Farrah Fawcett hairstyle. You love watching 'Jaws,' 'The Godfather,' and 'Saturday Night Fever' because they remind you of your golden days. You are 78% 1970s!

93% 1970s
You love lava lamps, bell bottomed pants, and platform shoes. You love protests and standing up for what you believe in, and you can groove out to R&B and disco better than anyone you know! You are 93% 1970s.