Are You Book Smart Or Street Smart?

Here are all the results with descriptions

90% Book Smart, 10% Street Smart
You are 90% book smart and 10% street smart! You're very logical, focused, and detail-oriented. You always did well in school, and you enjoy reading very much. You may not have the most common sense, but you're extremely knowledgeable in the fields of science and mathematics.

70% Book Smart, 30% Street Smart
You're 70% book smart and 30% street smart! You're better at things like science, math, and logic puzzles, and you always were a decent student. However, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and a considerable amount of common sense as well!

30% Book Smart, 70% Street Smart
You're 30% book smart and 70% street smart. You never failed with schoolwork, but you weren't at the top of your class either. Instead, you always had a knack for learning from hands-on activities and life experiences. You're a very social person, and you enjoy meeting new people and learning from them!

10% Book Smart, 90% Street Smart
You're 10% book smart and 90% street smart! You're a free spirit, some might even say a rebel. You have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you trust your instincts, you know you'll be fine in this world. You may not have done the best on quizzes or term papers, but you are very observant and perceptive person. You learn by doing, not by listening, and as long as you know your strengths, you will succeed!