How Forgetful Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

8% Forgetful
You rarely forget anything, and you're very proud of it. You have the memory of an elephant - they're supposedly known to have very good memories! You are only 8% forgetful!

31% Forgetful
You forget things on rare occasions, and when this happens, it's because they are dates/people/facts from awhile back. You usually have a very good memory! You are 31% forgetful.

50% Forgetful
You forget things only half the time, which isn't so bad! You've come up with great strategies to help you remember important things - keeping calendars, always having your keys in the same place, etc. You're 50% forgetful!

73% Forgetful
You are quite forgetful. It's okay though - it's not that you actively don't want to remember things, it's just that things slip your mind a bit more easily than they do for other people! You are 73% forgetful.

82% Forgetful
From your best friend's birthday to where you put your keys in your house, you seem to forget quite a bit! Maybe you should look into memory-enhancing techniques or start keeping a running list of reminders? You are 82% forgetful.