Would You Actually Survive In The South?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You may struggle!
You're very individualistic and liberal. You enjoy being independent, working alone, and you have a difficult time trusting just anyone. You're a free spirit and you find it hard to go with the grain and not march to the beat of your own drum. You may struggle trying to survive in the South!

You'd survive!
You're able to work hard when you want to see a job done, and you're outgoing and social enough to blend in just right with social Southerners. You also have a good moral compass and know which virtues are the most important. You'd definitely survive in the South!

You'd survive AND thrive!
With your welcoming personality, amazing hospitality, and good work ethic, you are a true Southern Belle! You're spiritual and sweet like sweet tea - the iconic 'girl next door.' You wouldn't just survive in the South...you'd THRIVE.