Which Color Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Red is the color of your personality! You are passionate and enthusiastic about life, and you have very strong beliefs and ideas. You are an extremely intelligent person.

The color of your personality is blue! You are generally a very calm and laid back person. You are also extremely kind and generous! You are a wonderful friend.

Purple is the color of your personality! You are sophisticated, and have quite a regal air! You are a unique spirit, and people always look up to you.

The color of your personality is pink! You are sweet and kind, and people always come to you when they need advice or help. You are very compassionate and empathetic. And you are such a great friend!

Green is the color of your personality! You are very intelligent and aware, and you care deeply about every aspect of the world. You are conscientious and believe strongly in justice for all.