How Mature Is Your Soul?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Pretty Mature
You are a pretty wise and relaxed person. You take everything in stride and you don't let the small problems get in your way. You're a pretty easygoing person who knows what they want from their life and how to get it.

Incredibly Mature
You are very wise beyond your years. You help teach others the lessons you've learned from experiences in your past. You also like to seek truth anywhere you go and have quite a thirst for knowledge.

Still Maturing
You're soul isn't the most mature but you're fine with that! You're adventurous and curious and are always looking for a new experience. You have your own views on everything and tend to stick to your ways.

Somewhat Mature
You tend to be a pretty mature person but you have moments of immaturity here and there. You know that if you want something in your life, you have to work hard for it. You're not above having fun every now and then.

Not The Most Mature
You may not have the most mature soul but you're definitely okay with that. You're an adventurous and spontaneous person who loves new things in life. You experience moments in your life with positivity and joy.