What Type Of Dreamer Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Prophetic Dreamer
When you dream, you tend to have them about future prophecies. While you may not remember them fully, if you write down your dreams when you wake up, you'll have a better grasp on them. You're an imaginative and observant who's quite in touch with your inner self.

Lucid Dreamer
With a little control, you can easily take ahold of your dreams and shape them how you want. You're a creative and intuitive person and you tend to use that to your advantage in your dreams.

Healing Dreamer
You tend to put the focus of your life and it's problems into your dreams for a better understanding. You use your time asleep in order to recuperate and wake up energized and refreshed.

Restless Dreamer
You tend to be a bit anxious in person which tends to show while you sleep. You may fidget and mumble in your sleep but in your dreams you tend to have amazing dreams.

While you may not be asleep for these dreams, you mind tends to wander and create exciting scenarios. You are an imaginative and creative person who is always thinking of an exciting adventure.