How Can You Avoid Your Biggest Regret?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Spend Less Time Worrying
Everybody has things to worry about. Money, careers, children, and relationships all are causes for concern but worrying won't do anything to change problems or prevent disaster. Instead try to live in and enjoy the moment. You can avoid your biggest regret by spending less time worrying.

Say "I Love You" More
You wouldn't want to leave your loved ones without them knowing how much you truly care about them. Say "I love you" throughout the day. Say it when you leave in the morning, when you come home. Text it throughout the day. Leave little notes. You can never say it enough. You can avoid your biggest regret by saying "I love you" more.

Play With Your Children or Grandchildren
Parents take on many roles and can get caught up in the day to day routine and forget to have fun. Your kids won't remember how clean the house was, but they will remember the time that you spent laughing together. You can avoid your biggest regret by playing with your children or grandchildren more.

Take a Risk
People rarely regret the chance that they took that didn't work out because of lessons they learn. You know you are thinking of taking a risk, but fear is holding you back. Don't let it. If it works out great! If not, you will become stronger because of it. You can avoid your biggest regret by taking a risk.

Invest in Experiences Not Things
Many people spend their life accumulating things that they can't take with them. Something that nobody can take from you is your memories, so make some good ones. You can avoid your biggest regret by investing in experiences, not things.