Are You A Keeper Or A Teller?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are a keeper and a guarder of secrets. As someone who often keeps their feelings close to their heart, you know how difficult it can be to share a secret. That's why you protect the secrets of others as you protect your own. You would never betray a friend or colleague by telling their secrets.

When it comes to secrets and trust, you are a teller. It's not that you like the idea of betraying a friend's trust or going back on a promise, but it is often difficult for you to hold in information, especially if it is something you are having a difficult time processing. You often look to others for guidance and advice, which is why you can sometimes divulge the secrets of others as a way to make sense of their problems.

Sometimes Keeper
For the most part, you are a keeper, but every now and then you can't help but divulge a secret or two. In all fairness, you never tell a secret out of spite or to hurt another person, but rather to protect that person or keep them safe. For example, if a friend told you that they were considering harming themselves or doing something silly, you would tell in order to protect them. There's something quite noble about your ability to judge a situation and respond appropriately.

Sometimes Teller
When it comes to secrets you are a sometimes teller. You have a bad habit of divulging secrets that you deem as juicy or gossip worthy. You simply can't keep something that good to yourself. Even though you often feel guilty after letting the secret out, you still can't help yourself.

A Keeper and a Teller
You are both a keeper and a teller! You always do a fantastic job of judging a situation by its urgency and gravity. When something needs to be told (ie: to protect someone) you will tell a secret. When a secret needs to be kept (ie: to keep a promise), you will always keep the information to yourself. Your morals are highly commendable!