What’s The Sexiest Thing About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Eyes
They say the eyes are the window to the soul and your soul is definitely beautiful. People can't help but be captivated when they catch a glimpse of your gorgeous eyes. You definitely have no problem expressing what you want through a stare. You definitely have those bedroom eyes.

Your Confidence
You have a confidence that many can't help but envy. The way you carry yourself speaks a lot for your self-esteem and everyone loves someone who can love themselves. As soon as you walk into a room, people can't help but notice you.

Your Humor
They say there is nothing sexier than someone with a sense of humor so you must be absolutely breathtaking! You know how to crack a joke and have no problem keeping a crowd entertained. You're not only funny but you have a sense of self-worth that many can't help but envy.

Beauty and Brains
With your stunning good looks and your intelligence, you're definitely a knockout. You have an ability to dazzle people with your intelligence and you can't help but respect that! You're a well read individual with a great sense of self-worth.

Your Passion
You have strong beliefs that automatically make you sexy. It shows you have confidence and you have no problem standing up for your ideas. A strong self-worth is definitely sexy.