Rate These Pizza Toppings And Find Out If You Think More Like A Man Or A Woman!

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Think More Like A Man!
Based on how you rated these pizza toppings, you think more like a man! It's obvious that you have a very masculine thought pattern. Things tend to be very cut and dry, you either like something or you don't. You certainly don't flip flop on pizza toppings or on the issues that are close to your heart. You know what you like and you aren't afraid to ruffle a few feathers to defend your opinions!

You Think More Like A Woman!
Based on how you rated these pizza toppings, you think more like a woman! You have a very feminine way of thinking. While no two women think exactly alike, you do have some traits in common with your fellow sisters. You're very fluid in your choices, never marrying yourself to just one thing or idea. You like to have options and you love to try new things. You aren't one to make up your mind about something on first pass, always looking a little deeper and unearthing the truth!

You're A Mix Of Both!
Based on how you rated these pizza toppings, you're a mix of both genders! You think like a man and a woman, with a thought process that is both logical and emotional. You tend to be very curious and open minded, choosing to try new things rather than staying stuck in old patterns. You always look for challenges and adventures, doing what you can to spice up your way of life!