Can We Guess What You Hate?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Early Christmas Music
There's one thing you just can't stand and that's when people start playing Christmas music ridiculously early. When it's the beginning of November and you're already hearing jingling and caroling, it's sure to put anyone in a sour mood.

There is nothing that makes your blood boil more than someone backstabbing you. It probably makes you seethe to think of people who you once trusted that eventually betrayed you and your trust.

Nothing pisses you off more than someone who's passive-aggressive. You think that if someone is angry, they should just come out and say it instead of keeping quiet and snubbing you rudely.

Slow Drivers
Something you hate with a passion is people who drive incredibly slow in front of you, especially when they don't let you pass. You're usually in a hurry and you can't stand being behind someone who's going slower than the speed limit.

Sound Of Eating
For some reason, any noises that include chewing or slumping just makes you grit your teeth. You don't know what it is but you just can't stand the sound of people eating and you usually need to block it out.