What Is Your Brain Like?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your brain is highly logical! When it comes to thinking, you rarely tap into the emotional or intuitive side of your brain. You much prefer to put the facts at hand in a line and breed logical conclusions from those facts. No one would ever accuse you of being flighty or whimsical, your brain is all logic.

Your brain is highly analytical! You have the unique ability to observe, seek information, and form conclusions based on your brains ability to analyze and interpret information. You are an excellent problem solver who is excellent at innovating solutions and drawing conclusions based on fact rather than assumption.

Your brain is highly intuitive! Forget overanalyzing, your brain has an amazing sense of intuition. When a thought feels right or a decision seems correct, you go with it, even if others might deem your course illogical. You know that when you go with your instincts you can't truly go wrong.

Your brain is highly emotional! You're an emotional thinker through an through. You tend to behave based on your emotions rather than logic or fact. While at times this can lead life to feeling a bit like a roller coaster, it is what allows you to be the kind, amazing, and compassionate individual that you are.

Your brain is highly organized! Everything must always be in it's right place, or your brain can feel a bit out of sorts. You crave organization and tidiness. For you, things should always be sorted according to what they are and how they behave. Your brain would never allow you to have a messy home or disorganized life. You're all about order!