How Charismatic Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Charismatic
You know how to draw a crowd without even speaking a word. People are intrigued by you and the charm you give off. You have a gift to make whoever you're talking feel important and special. People just love to be in your company.

Incredibly Charming
You know exactly what to say and when to say it. You have a warm presence and confidence about you that just draws others towards you. You know how to use your looks and confidence to draw the attention of anyone around you.

Incredibly Hypnotizing
You have a way with words that just makes others listen to you. You're a confident positive person that just makes others always laugh. You know how to command a room and as soon as you walk in, all eyes are on you.

Extremely Flattering
You're a positive and confident person who tries to find the good in every situation. You try to express the greatness that comes with everything and that positivity just makes people love you. You have a way of making people feel loved and important.

Powerfully Charming
You're a natural-born leader with a commanding presence and people can't help but respect you. You speak your mind but in a way that makes no one offended. You are intelligent and confident and have issues turning things your way.