What Is Love For You Based On These 10 Tricky Questions?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Love Is Time
When you love someone, they become a priority to your life. There's no such thing as being busy when it comes to them. They're someone important to your life and you don't know what you would do without them.

Love Is Acceptance
When you love someone you believe that you should accept them for everything that they are. You love them for their strengths, faults, quirks and everything that makes them up.

Love Is Self-Acceptance
You believe that you can't love someone fully unless you truly love yourself. You know that if you can't accept your faults then you'll never accept someone else's faults.

Love Is Exciting
You believe that love is something exciting and thrilling. You want to feel the rush that love can bring you. You want to feel your heart pound and feel your face turn red when you're in front of the person you love.

Love Is Selflessness
You believe that when you love someone you become selfless and caring for the individual. You put their feelings before your own more often than not.