What Kind Of Genius Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Logical Genius
You're a logical genius! You see the world in a straight line. There's no problem that isn't solvable if you just look from a to b and b to c. You don't let emotions muddy your ability to find solutions, in fact, you find emotions to be a deterrent to truly seeing the end to a problem.

Linguistic Genius
You're a linguistic genius! When it comes to writing, grammar, and language, you're truly gifted! Not only can you whip up a good writing piece in minutes, but you're able to critically analyze writing and grammar with a quick mind. Not only are you gifted in your own language, but you can pick up foreign languages quite easily as well!

Creative Genius
You're a creative genius! You've truly mastered the art of creating something out of nothing. Not only can you draw inspiration from every aspect of life, but you can take your own emotions and channel them into creating meaningful and unique art. Whether writing or painting, you are a creative genius.

Analytical Genius
You are an analytical genius! You have the unique ability to analyze quickly and problem solve in a flash. You can put together facts and solid information to form quick conclusions that can lead to bigger innovations. You're genius is one of the most important in the world!

Interpersonal Genius
You're an interpersonal genius! When it comes to reading others and socializing, you're the master! You can talk to anyone, hold a conversation, and read body language like a pro. Your charisma and social skills know no bounds!