Which Woody Allen Quote Describes You Best?

Here are all the results with descriptions

"I Am Thankful For Laughter, Except When Milk Comes Out Of My Nose."
This quote best matches you because you have a great sense of humor! You love to laugh and to make others laugh too! You have a great outlook on life, which makes you an enjoyable person to be around.

"Money Is Better Than Poverty, If Only For Financial Reasons."
This quote best matches you because you are intelligent...and a bit sarcastic. You know what you want in life, and you are ready for whatever obstacles may get in your way. A little humor will help you a lot when you need to keep your spirits up; remember that!

"The Only Thing Standing Between Me And Greatness Is Me."
This quote best matches you because you are a determined person. You won't let anyone get in your way when it comes to your goals. Sure, you might get in your own way sometimes, but you can always get yourself back on track. One day, you are sure to be great.

"80% Of Success Is Just Showing Up."
This quote best fits you because you know that you can become successful, even if you can be a bit lazy at times. You have a positive outlook on life, which is hard to come by nowadays. You are sure to accomplish your goals if you try.

"All I Have In Life Is My Imagination."
This quote best fits you because you are a creative person. Even if you were broke and homeless, you would still have your imagination. You are sure to make something great out of your thoughts one day!