What Does Your Favorite Sundae Topping Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're An Old Soul
Your favorite sundae topping is just as traditional as you are. It speaks volumes about the fact that you're an old soul who loves the past! You can't help but feel nostalgic for time periods you've never even lived in!

You're A Creative Tour De Force
Boring old sundae toppings just aren't for you! You're a creative tour de force who loves to mix it up and try new things whenever possible. You'd never be held down by just one topping. You love to try new things.

You're Daring
Your favorite sundae topping speaks volumes about your daring nature and adventurous spirit! You're never one to cower from trying new things or getting a little weird with your ice cream toppings. Variety makes life more fun!

You're Logical
Your sundae topping choices speak of your logic and sense of purity! You'd never pair together two flavors that just don't meld. When it comes to ice cream you tend to think of the logic of flavors rather than having fun.

You're Unpredictable
Your sundae topping choices speak of your unpredictable and wild nature! You never choose the same topping twice and it would be almost impossible for anyone to predict just exactly which topping you would choose on a given day!