How Much Money Will You Have In Your Next Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

One Billion Dollars
Lucky you! In your next life, you’re going to be worth over a billion dollars! It’s a good thing you invested in that start up when you did. Next life you is truly savvy when it comes to investments, stocks, and putting money where it counts.

500 Million Dollars
Whoa mama! In your next life, you are going to be worth 500 million dollars! Next life you is an amazing writer with an idea that puts Harry Potter to shame. You’re going to write the most amazing kid’s series of all time. Get ready for the ride of a life time!

One Million Dollars
Count your blessings! In your next life you’re going to be worth 1 million dollars? How does next life you make such a fortune? Good investments, lots of saving, and living frugally of course! There’s no magic behind your future fortune, you’re simply going to be money savvy!

500,000 Dollars
In your next life, your net worth will hover around 500,000 dollars! Hey, that’s not bad at all. Consider that the average American has less than $1,000 in savings and you’ll never feel bad about your financial situation again.

100,000 Dollars
In your next life, you will consistently have 100,000 in the bank! You’re going to live a comfortable life in which you have enough money each paycheck to live richly but put a few thousand away in savings every month. Because of this, you’ll always have a healthy bank account in your next life!