What’s A Question You’ve Always Wanted To Answer, But No-one’s Ever Asked You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are You Truly Okay?
It's easy for people to brush off a mood or just assume you're okay. You want someone to understand that you're not actually okay and to help you through your difficult time.

What's Your Dream?
People may ask what do you want with your life or what job but rarely does anyone ask about your dreams. You have bigger dreams than what career you want or where you want to live.

What Is One Thing You Want Really Bad?
There's things in life that you can't help but absolutely crave. You want people to ask you about so you just rant and rave and talk all about your obsession.

Who Do You Want To Be?
Many people ask what you want to be in life but very few ask about who you want to be. You want to answer it and let others know what kind of person you vision yourself being in the future.

How Are You So Strong?
You've through quite a ride in life but sometimes you feel as though others don't appreciate your strength. You want to be acknowledged that you're a fighter and nothing will bring you down.