Can We Guess Your Favorite TV Actress?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Lucille Ball
Your favorite TV actress is the incomparable Lucille Ball. Let's face it, there will never be anyone quite as charismatic, witty, and quick as this amazing actress. Her positive attitude, love of life, and natural inclination for humor make her your all time favorite.

Candice Bergen
Your favorite TV actress is Candice Bergen! When it comes to celebrities, you like your idol to be a strong no-nonsense woman who doesn't take no for an answer. Candice Bergen has always been authentically herself. You respect that more than anything else.

Gilda Radner
Your favorite TV actress is the hilarious Gilda Radnor! You like people who don't take themselves too seriously. There is humor to be found everywhere in life and you live for people who can find it.

Carol Burnett
Your favorite TV actress is non other than Carol Burnett! We're pretty sure Carol could make the grim reaper laugh, which is why you love her. Sure she's a bit eccentric, but so are you. You see a lot of yourself in this red headed firecracker.

Doris Roberts
Your favorite Tv actress is Doris Roberts! You love your actors to be accessible and dead pan. More than that, you like it when they remind you of the people in your own life. Everyone has a Doris Roberts, it's pretty inevitable!