Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Favorite TV Characters?

Here are all the results with descriptions

In Your Twenties
You happen to be somewhere in your twenties according to the shows you watch. You seem to always be changing favorite TV shows at least once a season.

In Your Thirties
According to the shows you enjoy, you happen to be somewhere in your thirties. You still change your favorites quite often but you're starting to get an idea of what you like.

In Your Forties
According to the shows you like, you happen to be somewhere in your forties. You know what you like to watch but you don't have too much time for television nowadays.

In Your Fifties
According to the shows you watch, you know exactly what you like to watch and you rarely branch out from your preferred genre.

In Your Sixties
According to the shows you watch, you happen to be somewhere in your sixties. You don't watch as much television as you used to when you younger but you still enjoy some TV.