What Season Are You?

What season embodies who you are?

Tags: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Personality, Weather

Here are all the results with descriptions

You like to have a plan, but you're okay with changing it. You're flexible and ready to help at a moment's notice. You try to avoid conflict unless it's really important to you, then you stand up for yourself with respect and strength.

You like to have a plan, but you're okay with changing it. You're flexible and ready to help at a moment's notice. You try to avoid conflict unless it's really important to you, then you stand up for yourself with respect and strength.

You sure know how to have a good time. People sometimes have trouble keeping up with you, but when they do, it's worth it. Your motto is 'I can sleep when I'm dead.'

You like to have a plan, but you're okay with changing it. You're flexible and ready to help at a moment's notice. You try to avoid conflict unless it's really important to you, then you stand up for yourself with respect and strength.