Which Number From 1 To 5 Describes You Best?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The number one describes you the best. You are always at the top, no matter what you try to do. However, sometimes it can be lonely when you're the best. That's just some of the high and low parts of being number 1.

The number 2 describes you the best. You are not always a winner, but you do always try your best. You likely have a friend or two who you share your time with. Sometimes being number 2 is pretty great.

You are best described by the number 3. You like to stay in the middle, where you are comfortable. You aren't a winner, but you aren't a loser either. You have a few friends to spend your time with, but you don't need to have crazy parties to have fun. You're just where you want to be.

You are best described by the number 4. You are complicated to understand at times. You can sometimes land near last place, but at other times you are right near the top. You have your highs and lows, just like everyone else.

You are best described by the number 5. This can be taken in two ways, like much of your life. You could be 5th place, which no one cares to be, or you could be like a 5-star rating, something that everyone looks up to. Opposites make up your life, but that's just part of what makes you unique.