What Exercise Would Best Suit Your Lifestyle?

Ever wondered what exercise would best suit your lifestyle? Stop wondering and find out now with this simple quiz!

Tags: Living, Gym, Health, Fit, Exercise

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're all about the legs and your bottom. Those two areas are your main points of contention and the areas most worked out on a bike. Don't be afraid to take your bicycle out for a spin during the evenings after work. It can help build up an appetite for dinner and help relax you with some nice scenery.

When it comes to exercise, you want it to be quick, due to a busy schedule. Most of all, you want it to be challenging, always pushing your body toward something better. Running is the best way to go, as it takes a lot of hard work and determination, but most of all, persistence. If anyone can do it, it's you.

Chances are, you hate exercise, and you don't want to think about it while doing it. Going out for daily walks is a nice method of getting exercise in while focusing on something else, like an audiobook, some music, or a conversation with a friend/partner. It gets you moving around without overly exerting your body.

You lead a high-stress, high-frustration lifestyle, and you need an outlet. You need to be able to punch and kick something in order to let out all that built-up anger. Hey, we've all been there! Kickboxing is the best option for you, since it gives you a place to unleash the beast within, all while using your body as a weight. Build up strength and muscle. Tone. Enjoy the anger.

When you exercise, you want to be able to relax and have a little fun with it. You mainly want to work on your legs and glutes, but also your arms and breathing. More importantly, you lead a lifestyle where a pool is accessible, and you have the time to go. Check it out! Give it a try!

The Gym
Yeah, you're all about tradition. Rather than take up an outdoor sport or hobby, you prefer to bite the bullet and just hit the gym. Use the treadmill, lift some weights, and return home, ready to feel the soreness for the next few days. Truth is, you're probably close to a gym, and it's convenient. As long as you dedicate an hour, 3-5 days out of the week, you're golden.