How Ethical Are Your Opinions In The Modern Age?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Ethical
Based on the results of this quiz, your opinions are 100% ethical. You’ve always been an overtly moral person. You tend to base your decisions on right versus wrong rather than what would please you most in the moment. In the same vein, you base your opinions off of what is ethically right rather than what is overtly popular.

75% Ethical
Based on the results of this quiz, your opinions are 75% ethical! While you do base a few off your opinions on what’s popular or currently on trend, the bulk of your judgements are rooted in what is right and what is wrong. Because of this, you never hurt others and always strive to do what is right.

50% Ethical
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 50% ethical! We get it, doing the right thing is rarely the easy thing. While you may slip up from time to time and base your judgements and opinions on what’s easy or convenient rather than what’s right, you never make a big decision from a place of popularity.

30% Ethical
Based on the results of this quiz, your opinions are 30% ethical! In a digital age, it’s harder than ever to believe something from a place of purity and morality. With so many outside vices influencing our everyday lives, it isn’t easy to do the right thing. While some of your opinions may be rooted in what’s popular or trendy rather than what’s right, you still maintain a core of ethics.

20% Ethical
Based on the results of this quiz, your opinions are 20% ethical. It’s harder than ever to maintain a sense of ethics when it comes to your opinions. While you’d never intentionally hurt or offend, you tend to base your opinions on what is trendy rather than on what is ethically sound.