Mom Quiz

What kind of mom are you? Are you the Disciplinarian or the Anything Goes type of mom? Are you super granola? Find out which kind of mom you are by taking this quiz!

Tags: Women, Mother, Kids, Family, Parents, Parenthood

Here are all the results with descriptions

Helicopter mom
You are into EVERYTHING your child does. It's a wonder you don't do a toilet check everytime Kiddo does a potty. You don't, right? But, you probably do micromanage almost everything and you stay outside to watch when it's playtime. Your kid is probably the safest kid on the block.

Free-range mom
You believe in raising kids the old-fashioned way. Like when we were kids! You don't need to keep tabs on them ALL the time. You like to let them get dirty, try experiments, learn from doing. They can make mud pies in the backyard as long and drink from the water hose and climb trees if they want to!

Granola mom
You believe in a back to nature lifestyle and you're not going to let your kids consume petrochemical byproducts, GMOs, or high fructose corn syrup. You think natural fibers are better and you probably like the idea of upcycling. You would rather take your kids to see a natural wonder than spend a day at the just for kids pizza parlor.

You don't watch every single thing your kid does, but you do expect a certain level of discipline and conformity. You just want your kid to be the best or at least do his/her best and to follow the rules set down by elders, teachers, and society.

Mommy mom
You want your children to feel nurtured, well fed, and like they live in a magical kingdom with a Fairy Mom-mother. If the school would allow it you would still bring cupcakes on your kid's birthday. As it is, you jump in and volunteer to do great mommy things like lead the scout troop, work at the bake sale, and chaperone the field trips. You make holidays and birthdays magical and you love giving hugs.

Hot mess mom
Nothing goes right no matter how hard you try. Your kids don't mind, but you'd rather not have Cheerios stuck to your shirt and it would be nice not to be so late all of the time! You could also do with a spa day but there's never time!