What Percent Selfless Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Selfless
This quiz revealed that you are 100% selfless! Not only do you always give more to others than to yourself, but you never expect a return on your good deeds. Everything you do, comes from the kindness of your heart.

75% Selfless
This quiz revealed that you are 75% selfless! It's safe to say that you always put the needs of others before yourself. You're so committed to helping those around you thrive, that often you forget about helping you. Your heart is big and brimming with love.

49% Selfless
This quiz revealed that you are 49% selfless! Selflessness means that you do things out of the pure kindness of your heart. You often do things because they're the right thing to do and because helping others feels good. Unfortunately, every now and then, you that doing good will bring good things your way.

35% Selfless
This quiz revealed that you are 35% selfless! It isn't always easy to put the needs and wants of others before yourself. In fact, sometimes it's downright challenging. While you may forget to be selfless from time to time, you always do right when it matters most.

20% Selfless
This quiz revealed that you are 20% selfless! When the time calls for selflessness and good deeds, you're always the first to pitch in. However, on a regular basis, you tend to put your own needs and wants before those around you.