What’s Your Dharma Type?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your dharma type is laborer. Laborers tend to be practical, intelligent, and deeply loyal. They have a natural knack for bringing people together and socializing. Food and family tend to be the biggest factors in their life. Laborers tend to be very caring, compassionate, and wiling to lend a hand at a moments notice.

Your dharma type is merchant! Merchant types are easygoing, charming, and love to be the center of attention. They are easy going and capable of dealing with even the most taxing of social situations.

Your dharma type is warrior! Warriors love to give their time and passion towards a worthy cause. They can accomplish near impossible tasks if it means helping others to achieve their goals or lead a better life. Warriors have an amazing heart that's full of good spirit and kindness.

The Outsider
Your dharma type is the outsider! Outsiders tend to be a bit like wallflowers. Though they live on the edge, they are very empathetic, kind, and full of good spirit. Though they may be a bit quiet, they lead a very rich inner life.

The Educator
Your dharma type is an educator! Educators are full of wisdom, inspiration, and creativity. They love to spread what they know to others and are amazing story tellers. They can do amazing things with just their words.