Can We Guess The Color Of Your Mood Ring Based On These 10 Questions?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz, your mood ring would be purple right now! Purple denotes that you're feeling a bit unhappy and dissatisfied with your life right now. You're a bit tired and may feel subdued or out of sorts.

Based on this quiz, your mood ring would be blue right now! Blue denotes that you're feeling quite calm and pleased. You're not currently experiencing any stress or sadness. You're feeling easy breezy!

Based on the results of this quiz, your mood ring would be green right now. Green denotes that you're feeling relaxed and at ease. Much like taking a deep breath of fresh air outside, you're feeling alive and well.

Based on the results of this quiz, your mood ring would be yellow. Yellow denotes that you're feeling quite excited and bubbly. Like a ray of sunshine, you're pure energy. It seems you're ready to tackle the rest of the day head on!

Based on the results of this quiz, your mood ring would be red right now! Red denotes that you're feeling a big angry and aggressive. Something seems to be getting under your skin right now. Until you find out what's causing your anger, you're in for bumpy day!