Which Habit Of Successful People Do You Have?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The habit of successful people that you have is that you love to read! You read books non-stop, hoping to garner as much knowledge and insight into different worlds as you can. Your love of books has helped to expand both your universe and your knowledge.

The habit of successful people that you have is working out! One thing that successful people know is how important it is to stay fit and stay healthy. If one simply sits back and doesn't exercise, they lose a lot of potential energy and motivation to succeed.

Pursuing Goals
The habit of successful people that you have is pursuing goals! You know that it's important to set goals both big and small. Having something to work towards not only gives you purpose, but it keeps you on a path to your dreams.

Sleeping Well
The habit of successful people that you have is sleeping well! Some might think that successful individuals are up all night working at their craft, but truly successful people know the value of rest and rejuvenation in accomplishing big things.

Avoiding Time Sucks
The habit of successful people that you have is avoiding time sucks! Sure, browsing Facebook is fun, but it is necessary to log on more than once a day. A successful person would say no. You always avoid time sucks and focus on what truly matters rather than superficial pursuits.