Which Member Of Your Friend Group Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Parent Figure
In your friend group, you are the parent figure. Not only do you tend to oversee and ensure the safety of all others in the group, but you tend to be the only one mature enough to offer sage advice and logic. You're always looking out for your friends as if they were your own children.

The Idea Person
In your friend group, you're the idea person! You're the one who is always coming up with interesting things to do and discovering all of the best places to see. You have a keen interest in adventure and risk taking. Some might say you're spontaneous, but we prefer lively!

The Leader
In your friend group, you're the leader! Everyone in the group tends to look to you for wisdom, advice, and the answers to big questions. Before a decision is made, your friends can't help but look to you for insight.

The Shoulder To Cry On
The role you play in your friend group is, the shoulder to cry on. You may have noticed that many of your friends come to you when they're in a jam. Sometimes they just want someone to listen. Other times they need some empathy and advice. You're almost always the one they need these things from.

The Comic Relief
In your friend group, you're the comic relief! There's not a single situation that you've encountered that you can't find the humor in. Thanks to you, your friends can find something to laugh over in just about any circumstance. Keep on laughing!